Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016


Grammar:  Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic Englist
Exercise 1. Verbs
Instructions: write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
SYNONYMS ( Exercise1. Verbs )
1.      Obliterate                                                       Destroyed
2.      Severed                                                           Consume
3.      Conceive                                                         Clarify
4.      Tolerate                                                          Exemplify
5.      Ingest                                                              Theorize
6.      Pacify                                                             Create
7.      Calibrate                                                        Support                     
8.      Magnify                                                          Motivate
9.      Incentivize                                                      Cut
10.  Speculate                                                       Theorize                                                        
11.  Levitate                                                          Allow
12.  Illustrate                                                         Clam
13.  Elucidate                                                        Enlarge
14.  Impede                                                           Float
15.  Advocate                                                        Adjust

Ø  Obliterate ( menghapus )                  : Destroyed ( musnah )
Ø  Severed ( memotong )                       : Cut ( memotong / menghentikan )
Ø  Conceive ( menciptakan sesuatu )    : Create ( menciptakan / menimbulkan )
Ø  Tolerate ( memberi toleransi )          : Allow ( mengizinkan )
Ø  Ingest ( mencernakan/menelan )      : Consume ( memakan )
Ø  Pacify ( memenangkan )                   : Clam { down } ( tenang )
Ø  Calibrate ( menyesuaikan )              : Adjust ( menyesuaikan )
Ø  Magnify ( membesar-besarkan )      : Enlarge ( memperbesar )
Ø  Incentivize ( memberi dorongan )    : Support ( mendukung )
Ø  Speculate ( memikirkan/berteori )   : Theorize ( membuat teori )
Ø  Levitate ( mengapung secara gaib ) : Float ( mengapung )
Ø  Illustrate ( menggambarkan )          : Exemplify ( memberikan contoh )
Ø  Elucidate ( menguraikan )                : Clarify ( menjelaskan )
Ø  Impede ( )                                           : Theorize ( membuat teori )
Ø  Advocate ( menganjurkan )             : Motivate ( mendorong )
Of several the word above, we make one sentence.
Magnify ( membesar-besarkan )      : Enlarge ( memperbesar )
            At that time i was home while watching television, suddenly my friend named ernita come home, it turns out that coming home i want to accompanying him to the market. After in the market Ernita want to buy clothes , size is small enough , so she chose suit that very small , but i think it too small. I told him he could buy clothes greater a little, but ernita still wanted suit that last, because did not Magnify  this i was fell silent.
Too like those coveralls , ernita also forget to try it , got home apparently themselves smallness , so we try to Enlarge  those coveralls by pulling it is rubber because ingredients , but the results is continuously do not fit to its body .

Exercise 2. Adverbs
Instructions: write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word

SYNONYMS ( Exercise 2. Adverbs )
1.      Methodically                                                  Resentfully                            
2.      Begrudgingly                                                 Severely
3.      Amicably                                                        Painfully
4.      Fiercely                                                           Unclearly
5.      Unintelligibly                                                 Indisputably                          
6.      Sporadically                                                   Decisively
7.      Unequivocally                                                Absolutely                             
8.      Zealously                                                        Weakly
9.      Laboriously                                                    Quietly
10.  Earnestly                                                        Weakly
11.  Indisputably                                                   Occasionally
12.  Definitively                                                     Indisputably
13.  Faintly                                                            Systematically                                               
14.  Discreetly                                                       Eagerly

Ø  Methodically ( sesuai metode )                     : Systematically ( secara sistematis )
Ø  Begrudgingly ( menyesal )                             : Resentfully ( kesal )
Ø  Amicably ( secara damai )                             : Quietly ( diam-diam )
Ø  Fiercely ( dengan ganas )                              : Severely ( sungguh )
Ø  Unintelligibly ( tak jelas )                              : Unclearly ( tak jelas )
Ø  Sporadically ( sesekali )                                : Occasionally ( kadang )
Ø  Unequivocally ( dengan tegas )                     : Indisputably ( disangkal )
Ø  Zealously ( rajin/semangat )                          : Eagerly ( dengan tidak sabar )
Ø  Laboriously ( dengan kerja keras )              : Painfully ( menyakitkan )
Ø  Earnestly ( dengan jelas )                             : Decisively ( secara menyakinkan )
Ø  Indisputably ( tak terbantahkan )                : Indisputably ( tak terbantahkan )
Ø  Definitively ( pasti/menentukan )                 : Absolutely ( benar/mutlak )
Ø  Faintly ( dengan lemah )                               : Weakly ( dengan lemah)
Ø  Discreetly ( dengan hati-hati )                      : Privately ( secara pribadi )

Of several the word above, we make one sentence
Methodically ( sesuai metode )                     : Systematically ( secara sistematis )
            When we studied lecture natural basic science , tell us in making research , where in research must have the right Methodically and Methodically of producing such something Systematically namely sequence , because we do it with minutely Alhamdulillah the result is satisfactory.

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

The app smartphone most in love ( aplikasi smarstphone yang paling di cintai atau di sukai )

    Assalamu’alaikum  warahmatullah  wabarakatuh

                  The app smartphone most I love is  camera, because every time in different affection if not eternal right that moment, but it I sat down in high school so love the camera. On time a sense of it started a little fading, there was still but not the same way again for as long as I have a student perhaps because of the elements of bored or not too important or not had time to think again to think of perpetuate a photo.
                During a student a very quickly once change, all the when in high school is very different , especially in more with my position which is a immigrants. Very in needed students today is the science or learning materials so I currently familiar with the name of google.
                Not lie to also that I was very fond of BBM,Facebook, Mesengger and other social media. Because in addition to the app can entertain, or  filled the empaty us, social media is also can make us working as making writing or uploaded a photo of it can also  information from friends as well as the where, because we know that this time is an period of modern.
                   But the many social media most I love is Messengger because it has the impression of happiness from my heart, because the position of I was a immigrants so automatic me away from the person I loved especially both my parents. With the Mesengger I can face to face with my family in the village, at least with the existence of this Mesengger little eliminate nostalgia I will family, the house and homeland me. That’s the app I liked or loved in the smarphone.
 Thank you (279).