Selasa, 20 September 2016

Rangkuman pidato Nurul Husna tentang Tepung Tawa

This is a speech of Nurul Husna, ladies and gantlemen as we know West Borneo consists of various ethnic example dayaknese, chinese and malay. Malay is one of the original Wet Berneo who have a culture that has a culture that unique one is Tepung Tawar. Have you heard it ? A tradition Tepung Tawar taken from the material which is the rice and water. This tradition done specifically like circumcision , marriage, and gradititude to god. A tradition Tepung Tawar comprised cider four namely. First Tepung Tawar Badan for a child who carry out the scissors hair. The second Tepung Tawar Mayit done for the family who died after three days of the funeral of the goals in order to the family always in give patience in getting the ordeal. Three Tepung Tawar Perlatan vehicle new and who get he assuming it because of vehicle made of metal. So do Tepung Tawar Peralatan that can not be a loss. Last Tepung Tawar Rumah do to the new done in order to get safety and escape is not in want. Ladies and gantlemen we can conclude when it's important to maintain a tradition because the valuable in the era of the global need introduction tradition like that, in addition to that we should be aware to keep a tradition and culture because it it the identity of our nation. Oke thanks ( 221 )

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